A Guide To Starting a Home Based Clothing Business

A Guide To Starting a Home Based Clothing Business
You may just be like many other women out there: you hate trying on clothes at stores. Now, you probably like shopping, but going into these small, poorly lit rooms to try something on is probably something that you dread. And the thought of trying on intimate apparel, like lingerie or swimwear is enough to make you shiver.

Today, many stores are changing their return policies, especially with items like swimwear and lingerie, so you are forced to try it on in the store. Well, if you don’t like the idea, maybe you should consider starting a home based clothing business.

What exactly is a clothing business, and how do I start my own clothing business are two questions that you might be asking yourself right now. Well, the idea is simple; you have parties with your friends, and sell them the latest clothing, lingerie, or accessories to make them look great.

And the best thing is that they can try it on in the comfort of their own home! Clothing businesses are especially great for selling lingerie, because you can see and try different varieties easily and privately.

There are multiple clothing businesses available, paying anywhere from 20-50% commissions on sales. The choice is up to you whether you would like to sell intimate apparel, latest fashions, handbags, jewellery or all of the above.

Nothing sounds more fun than a group of friends getting together and trying on clothes & jewellery. And the kicker is, you are working and earning and income at the same time.

Starting a clothing business is very easy. To start with, find a direct sales clothing company that is a fit for you. A few choices would be Jockey, Jolica or Purse Party. Be sure to do your research so you know exactly what you are getting into. Some questions to ask might be:

1 Is there a start up kit and what are the costs?

2.Are you required to generate a certain level of sales per month?

3.What advertising resources do they offer to help kick-start your business?

4.What kind of support is offered from your upline?

5.Will you have a website to sell products and create additional income?

Once you’ve done that, start inviting your friends and co-workers to your parties and start counting your cash. If you have a good eye for fashion and trends, you will be great at this home business. You will be able to increase your sales by recommending great products and fashions for your clients to try out. Organization is key to running a successful clothing business. Starting a business will force you to get organized, so you can keep you clients happy and coming back for more.

If you are looking for a great home based business, why not consider starting a home based clothing business! If you love to shop and help others pick out the perfect outfit, this could be a perfect fit for you!

About the author:
Mindy Benkert is a successful business owner and mom devoted to helping others find their perfect Home Business. Visit her site today to find yours!